Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Both the pups are being calm (Helo is sleeping, of course) and dinner is in the oven so I figured now would be a good time to update.

First things first, the vet visit:
Everything went really well at the vet. He was squirmy as can be on the car ride over but calm calm calm once we arrived. He even fell asleep on Alex's lap waiting for the vet to come in. He got cooed over by all the vet techs and even taken to the back to get shown off a little and get his nails clipped. The vet thought he looked good and healthy, with one exception. He has little "ulcers" (what a scary word!) on his lips where it looks like he was chewing on something (probably electrical wires says the vet). He definitely has not been chewing on electrical wires at our house so it must have happened at the breeders. Other than that, he was given a clean bill of health and came home very tired from all the excitement!

Today Helo had his second bath since being with us, which made for a really hectic morning. But at least now he smells nice and fresh as a daisy. I'm thinking tonight I'm going to get up in the middle of the night to save from having a big mess in the morning.

Because the weather was so nice today we've spent a ton of time outside, including all of my lunch hour while the pre-schoolers shouted from across the fence. Charlie didn't quite know what to make of 20 little kids shouting her name!

We also put Helo on his little Illini leash to see what he'd do. So far he's only interested in licking it and dragging it around. Maybe sometime this week we can try to take him on a little walk.

I'll leave you today with a couple videos:

Here's Charlie catching her favorite toy, her frisbee.

And one of Helo coming when called!

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