Friday, April 24, 2009


Today was a first for everybody in the household: nail clippings! It's something I've feared doing ever since we traumatized Riley when he was a tiny puppy. We've always had Charlie's done at the vet or groomer's, but with a second dog we decided it was time to learn how to do it ourselves. So we swung by Petco today after work (where we also got some new food for Helo - and some treats perfect for manicure/pedicures) and picked up nail clippers and a styptic stick in case of blood. Luckily (for all of us) there was no blood or trauma to be had. And now the pups are back to wrestling with their freshly clipped nails.


  1. That is great Ash! How did Charlie do?

  2. Charlie did great and today she rolled over on her back and let Alex re-trim some of the ones I was afraid to clip too far on!
