Sunday, April 26, 2009

Today was an eventful day for the Hays household. It started out with a rousing play session between the dogs that really tired them out. In fact, Helo was so tired that we didn't even feel bad leaving him at home while we took Charlie to the dog park. Unfortunately there weren't many dogs at the park, probably because of the impending rain. Charlie was pretty tired out already so we only spent a while there, then headed to Petsmart to pick up some new frisbees. While there we saw two gorgeous Aussies and a tiny little Pomeranian puppy.

After Petsmart we took on a new project: fencing off the sandbox in our backyard. When Charlie was a puppy she was pretty interested in the sandbox, but Helo is absolutely obsessed with it. And it's sort of icky so we don't like them getting in it. So today we got some chicken wire and fenced it off. We also detached the slide from the playset because it collects rain water at the end and the dogs like to drink from it. Yuck!

We just now got back from taking Helo to the famous Emo's Dairy Mart in Peoria. Alex and I shared a banana split and Helo enjoyed all the attention from other ice cream fans. All in all it was a big day for the puppies.

Tomorrow we go back to the vet for a giardia check-up and Helo's 2nd set of puppy shots. We'll let you know how it goes afterwards!

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