Monday, April 6, 2009

Day 2 : A Day of Firsts

Today was a day of many firsts for little Helo. He played in the snow for the first time today (yes, snow!). He slept in his crate for the first time (well, cried in his crate, I'm not sure how much sleeping he did). He jumped up on the couch (which was a big surprise for me!). He even went up the steps today and saw himself in a mirror for the first time. Needless to say, he was very enamored with himself and spent a lot of time licking his own reflection.

Helo and Charlie spent most of their days going in and out of doors. Helo would drink some water, we'd rush him outside to potty, we'd head back inside, he'd drink more water, and the cycle went on and on. Unfortunately it's a muddy day and our poor living room carpeting is really starting to suffer.

Helo and Charlie stayed in their crates while Alex and I headed to Petsmart to stock up on some more supplies, including a new tag and this cute little dinosaur toy.

Right now both Helo & Charlie are playing with frisbees, so it looks like we might just have a frisbee-crazed household before you even know it!

Tomorrow we go to the vet for puppy shots & a little check up. That should be an exciting day for little Helo. We'll let you know how it goes afterwards!

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