Sunday, April 5, 2009

Helo Comes Home

Today we brought home our little Helo. So far things are going really well. He's a very laid back pup, preferring sleep to exploring too much.

Things are going well between Helo and Charlie too. She's still more interested in her frisbee than her new little brother. She could care less what he's doing as long as someone's throwing her frisbee down the hallway.

When they were outside together they got a little rowdier, romping around a bit. Helo even got a little feisty with her, which was cute to see.

He seems very toy motivated so far, chasing after the frisbee and balls we threw for him outside. He's only moderately excited by food, although we finally got him to take a bit of treat and he seemed interested in more. I've never had a dog that wasn't incredibly food motivated so if this doesn't change, we'll be in for quite the adventure.

So far the only problem we've had is that he gets a little skittish when we go to pick him up. We're hoping this gets better with time, and so far we've been snuggling him every time we pick him up so he learns that it's not scary. Lucky for us he's a serious cuddler! Christine & Ellen came over to visit and he curled right up in Ellen's lap for a little nap.

Right now Helo's snuggled up with his daddy watching Kings on tv. I think despite Alex's initial trepidation, he might just be in love. :)

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