Sunday, April 19, 2009

Field Trip

Today Helo took a field trip to Oswego to visit Michelle & Adam. It took him a little time to warm up to them, but I think in the end he had lots of fun. He sure was tired on the trip home! And even though Helo had to stay in the crate while we went shopping, it was fun for Alex & I to help Michelle & Adam choose a tree and plants for their front yard.

Helo's met a lot of other people in the last week, too. He met a lot of family members on Easter, as well as Brooke, Scott, my boss and her fiance, and some other random people at the park. He even met a 4 month old border collie who he was excited to bounce around with.

Helo is about a week into his new grain-free diet. He is now eating Natural Balance Sweet Potato and Fish food with some Before Grain sprinkled on top. He's also been getting Natural Balance Sweet Potato and Venison treats when he sits nicely for us. So far going grain-free hasn't made a huge difference for him, but we're hoping it will be more gentle on his tummy. If things don't get better soon, I'm afraid we'll have to take him to the vet and get him checked out, so cross your fingers for us!

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