Monday, April 20, 2009


So it turns out our little baby is sick. We woke up to a horrible accident in his crate this morning and it was the final straw - we decided to call the vet. It turns out everyone at the vet's office takes off for lunch, but Dr. Wuelfekuhl called me back at work as soon as he returned. He asked me lots of questions and encouraged me to bring in a stool sample and Helo if possible. So I took off a little early (thank goodness for bosses who love dogs as much as we do!) and took Helo to the vet (by myself, which was a feat unto itself).

At first the vet just thought we were feeding Helo too rich of food and recommended switching to a lower quality food, like Iams or Science Diet. But then his fecal test came back positive for giardia. Giardia is a parasite of the intestines that's caused by drinking standing water. Chances are good that Helo had giardia before he came to live with us, so I'll be contacting the breeder to let her know.

Chances are also good that Charlie has giardia too, as it can easily be passed from dog to dog. So we will be treating her as well. Hopefully in the next week our pup will be good as new!

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